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Preamble: The 2007 Synod of the Ecumenical Catholic Church+USA     declared that this Church is an Old Catholic Church in name, spirit, and polity. The Synod also formally accepted the Declaration of Utrecht and the Fourteen Theses of the Old Catholic Church. (See this Church’s understandings related to these documents in Appendix C of our Church Canons.)


We believe in the Holy Trinity.


We believe that Jesus is the Christ, that he is God, and that he is our savior.


We believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of Jesus, worthy of honor, and worthy of liturgical observance and intercession in prayer.


We believe in the inerrancy and divine inspiration of Holy Scriptures.


We believe in the
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.


We believe in the three historic creeds of the Catholic Faith Tradition:  
Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian.


We believe and accept the doctrines of the Seven Early Church Ecumenical Council of the Undivided Catholic Church.


We believe and appreciate the wisdom and guidance of the Early Church Fathers.


We believe in the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Anointing and Prayers for the Sick, Reconciliation,
Marriage, and Holy Orders.


We believe that Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist, body and blood
under the appearance of bread and wine.


We believe in and our clergy share in the
Apostolic Succession of Holy Orders.

(All Ecumenical Catholic Church+USA bishops are consecrated in the Vilatte, Utrecht, and Duarté-Costa lines of Apostolic Succession.)


We believe that all Holy Orders
(bishops, priests, and deacons)
are open to both men and women.


We believe that celibacy for those in
Holy Orders is a personal decision.


We believe in the sanctity of marriage as a life long commitment between a man and woman.

We also believe that within certain marriages there may be circumstances or conditions that make life within that relationship unbearable or dangerous and thus divorce becomes appropriate
or even necessary.

Realizing that Jesus is merciful and it is he alone who understands fully the reality of any human decision,the church welcomes to all the sacraments those who have been divorced and/or remarried.


We believe that all humankind is called to
chastity and sexual purity within their state in life.


We believe that contraception
is a personal decision of the married couple.


We believe that all life is sacred.

We believe that abortion and euthanasia
are the taking of human life.


We believe that the Gospel commandment to
"love others as we love ourselves"
is the key to living the Christian life
and it manifests itself
in global concern for all peoples,
patriotism for one's nation,
good citizenship,
and responsible stewardship of our planet.
